1SAT |
917.392.7004 email: mathtutor255@yahoo.com |
Are My SAT Scores Good Enough ? |
Carleton College - SAT Scores |
Admissions Data
SAT Critical Reading 660 / 760
SAT Math: 660 / 740
SAT Writing: 670 / 750
SAT consists of three major sections:
Critical Reading,
and Writing.
Each section receives a score on the scale of 200-800. All scores are multiples of 10. Total scores are calculated by adding up scores of the three sections. Each major section is divided into three parts. There are 10 sub-sections, including an additional 25-minute experimental or "equating" section that may be in any of the three major sections. The test contains 3 hours and 45 minutes of actual timed sections,[7] The questions range from easy, medium, and hard depending on the scoring from the experimental sections. Easier questions typically appear closer to the beginning of the section while harder questions are towards the end in certain sections. This is not true for every section but it is the rule of thumb mainly for math and sentence completions and vocabulary.
The Mathematics section of the SAT is widely known as the Quantitative Section or Calculation Section.
The mathematics section consists of three scored sections.
There are two 25-minute sections and one 20-minute section, as follows:
One of the 25-minute sections is entirely multiple choice, with 20 questions.
The other 25-minute section contains 8 multiple choice questions and 10 grid-in questions.
The 10 grid-in questions have no penalty for incorrect answers because the student guessing isn't limited.
The 20-minute section is all multiple choice, with 16 questions.
Notably, the SAT has done away with quantitative comparison questions on the math section, leaving only questions with symbolic or numerical answers.
" New topics include Algebra II and scatter plots. These recent changes have resulted in a shorter, more quantitative exam requiring higher level mathematics courses relative to the previous exam.
Duke University - SAT Scores |
Admissions Data
SAT Critical Reading 660 / 760
SAT Math: 680 / 780
SAT Writing: 660 / 760
Massachusetts Institute of Technology SAT Scores |
Admissions Data
SAT Critical Reading 650 / 760
SAT Math: 720 / 800
SAT Writing: 660 / 760
Pomona College SAT Scores |
Admissions Data
SAT Critical Reading 710 / 780
SAT Math: 690 / 770
SAT Writing: 690 / 770
Stanford University SAT Scores |
Admissions Data
SAT Critical Reading 660 / 760
SAT Math: 680 / 780
SAT Writing: 60 / 760
Types Of Algebra Word Problems
Average Word Problems
Age Problems (includes video)
Age Problems involving a Single Person, (includes video)
Age Problems Involving More Than One Person
Average Word Problems
Average Problems (includes video)
Arithmetic Mean, (includes video)
Weighted Average (includes video)
Average Speed (includes video)
Coin Word Problems
Problems involving Coins, (includes video)
Stamp problems
Ticket problems
Consecutive Integer Word Problems
Consecutive Integer Problems (includes video)
Consecutive Integer (includes video)
Consecutive Odd Integer (includes video)
Consecutive Even Integer (includes video)
Consecutive Integer Word Problems
Consecutive Integer Problems (includes video)
Consecutive Integer (includes video)
Consecutive Odd Integer (includes video)
Consecutive Even Integer (includes video)
Distance Word Problems
Distance Problems (includes video)
Travel at Different Rates
Travel in Different Directions (includes video)
Given Total Time (includes video)
Geometry Word Problems
Geometry Word Problems (includes video)
Involving Perimeters (includes video)
Involving Areas (includes video)
Involving Angles (includes video)
Integer Word Problems
Involving 2 Unknowns, (includes video)
Involving More Than 2 Unknowns
Interest Word Problems >
Interest Problems (includes video)
Money Word Problems
Money Word Problems
Mixture Word Problems
Mixture Problems
Adding to a Solution,
Remove from a Solution,
Replace a Solution,
Mix Items of Different Values (includes video)
Proportion Word Problems
Proportion Problems
Directly Proportional, Inversely Proportional