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The Specialized High Schools Admissions Test (SHSAT) is an examination administered to eighth and ninth grade students residing in New York City and used to determine admission to all but one of the city's Specialized High Schools.
Verbal Mathematics:  (Algebra, Factoring, Geometry, Logic)
Testing Locations
The test is given in early November (It will be taken on October 23rd and 24th in 2010) in all 5 boroughs. Students in Manhattan will take it at Stuyvesant High School, in the Bronx at Bronx High School of Science, in Brooklyn at either Stuyvesant or Brooklyn Technical High School, in Queens at Long Island City High School or John Adams High School, and students in Staten Island will take it at Staten Island Technical High School.

Examination format
The SHSAT tests for logical thinking and high ability in both English and mathematics. Both sections consist of multiple-choice questions. There is a time limit of 3 hours for both sections, with no break in between. The exam is only offered once a year, and can be taken in both the eighth and ninth grades if the student wishes.
45 Multiple Choice Questions
30 Reading Comprehension (5 Reading passages with 6 questions each)
10 Logical Reasoning questions
5 Scrambled Paragraph (worth 2 points each)
Mathematics 50 Multiple Choice Questions
Various mathematical topics tested
Basic math
Geometry (9th grade)
Basic Coordinate Graphing (8th grade)
Word Problems (cover all topics)
1. Whenever Derek sings, Jenny gets a headache and Karen groans. If Karen is not groaning, which of the following     statements must be true?
(A) Derek is singing and Jenny has a headache.
(B) Jenny has a headache but Derek is not necessarily singing.
(C) Derek is singing, but Jenny does not necessarily have a headache.
(D) Derek has been singing and Jenny is beginning to get a headache.
(E) Derek is not singing.
2. John will eat the apple if Danny does not cook. Based only on the information above, which of the following must     be true?
(A) John will not eat the apple if Danny cooks.
(B) If John did not eat the apple, Danny did cook.
(C) If John eats the apple, then Danny did not cook.
(D) If Danny does not cook, John will not eat the apple.
(E) If John did not eat the apple, Danny did not cook.
3. A jury reaches a verdict when all of its members have come to a unanimous agreement. In one recent
    well-publicized trial,the judge thought that the jury had reached a verdict. Eventually, it was learned
    that one juror had never been able to agree with the others. The proceeding was ultimately declared
     a mistrial by the judge. Based only on the information above,which of the following statements is a
    valid conclusion?

(A) The jury never actually reached a verdict.
(B) The jury had reached a verdict but had been disrupted by a single juror.
(C) There have been other trials in which the jury failed to reach a verdict.
(D) Only trials in which the jury fails to reach a verdict are declared mistrials.
(E) The judge's role is not as important as that of the individual jurors.
4. The maximum time a member is allowed to run on a treadmill at the gym is 30 minutes. Ben has been running
    on a treadmill for at least 45 minutes. Based only on the information above, which of the following statements
    is a valid conclusion?

(A) The time limit has been established to give every member a chance to run.
(B) If Ben is not violating the gym rules, then he is not running at the gym
(C) If Ben is running at the gym, he will have his membership revoked.
(D) Ben will be getting off the treadmill as soon as possible.
(E) Ben is not running on a treadmill at the gym
5. In the 1940's, people diagnosed with disease X were not expected to live beyond six months to a year.
    Now many people diagnosed with disease X are able to survive for five years and even longer if they receive
    early treatment. According to the information above, which of the following must be true?

(A) Modern medicine is now capable of curing disease X.
(B) Most people no longer die from disease X.
(C) Disease X is more easily cured than other serious diseases.

Types Of Algebra Word Problems
Average Word Problems
   Age Problems (includes video)
   Age Problems involving a Single Person, (includes video)
   Age Problems Involving More Than One Person
Average Word Problems
   Average Problems (includes video)
   Arithmetic Mean, (includes video)
   Weighted Average (includes video)
   Average Speed (includes video)
Coin Word Problems
   Problems involving Coins, (includes video)
   Stamp problems
   Ticket problems
Consecutive Integer Word Problems
   Consecutive Integer Problems (includes video)
   Consecutive Integer (includes video)
   Consecutive Odd Integer (includes video)
   Consecutive Even Integer (includes video)
Consecutive Integer Word Problems
   Consecutive Integer Problems (includes video)
   Consecutive Integer (includes video)
   Consecutive Odd Integer (includes video)
   Consecutive Even Integer (includes video)
Distance Word Problems
   Distance Problems (includes video)
   Travel at Different Rates
   Travel in Different Directions (includes video)
   Given Total Time (includes video)
Geometry Word Problems
   Geometry Word Problems (includes video)
   Involving Perimeters (includes video)
   Involving Areas (includes video)
   Involving Angles (includes video)
Integer Word Problems
   Involving 2 Unknowns, (includes video)
   Involving More Than 2 Unknowns
Interest Word Problems
   Interest Problems (includes video)
Money Word Problems
   Money Word Problems
Mixture Word Problems
   Mixture Problems
   Adding to a Solution,
   Remove from a Solution,
   Replace a Solution,
   Mix Items of Different Values (includes video)
Proportion Word Problems
   Proportion Problems
   Directly Proportional, Inversely Proportional
